Listening to young people
At Bassaleg School we offer a wide range of opportunities for our learners to take on leadership roles and to develop their leadership skills. Many of these opportunities are offered through our Listening to Young People agenda with active councils who meet regularly to engage in discussion on a wide range of topics including pupil wellbeing, mental health, teaching & learning, the curriculum & behaviour for learning.
Leadership Council
Bassaleg School is extremely fortunate to have a wide range of councils to represent as many pupils' voices as possible. Our leadership council has been established to act as a bridge between all of our councils to support them in their work through improved communications to ensure better efficiency and also to promote and celebrate their fabulous work.
The leadership council is made up if a team of motivated and enthusiastic year 11, 12 and 13 students who review the minutes of all our councils and forward items to the correct audience for discussion and action. The council then feedback any actions to pupils through the minutes and via termly assemblies to ensure that all learners can see the impact our young people are having in instigating change.
How can you get involved?
Future Leaders Council
The Future Leaders Council is a group of young people who are passionate about working with other organisations both within our school and more outward facing. They are currently collaborating with Aramark our restaurant catering company and with our partner primary school as part of our Cluster Collaboration Council.
Cluster Collaboration Council
This council is a collaboration of Bassaleg School and our partner primary school learners. They are currently working on a very important project ‘The Cost of the School Day’ looking at how schools can support families with the ‘cost’ of education.
Eco Council
Our main priority is to make our school as Eco friendly as possible through raising awareness of environmental issues and how we can tackle them together. We have been recognised as a Platinum School Plus (highest award) by Eco Schools Wales for our efforts in our school community and have won many competitions, raising money for eco-friendly equipment for our school.
Reading Buddies
Reading Buddies has been designed for Sixth Formers to provide excellent support to pupils at KS3 that have a barrier to reading. Sixth Formers are paired with a KS3 pupil and are responsible for encouraging reading for enjoyment as well as helping our young learners to become more confident readers.
AOLE Councils
Each AOLE (Area of Learning & Experience) has an AOLE Council whose primary role is to evaluate what helps them to make progress in their learning and skills. Their voice helps us to shape the learning experiences across our curriculum to enable learners to be the best they can be.
Transition Team
Our year 7 learners are actively engaged in supporting year 6 pupils as they prepare to transition from Primary to Secondary education. They are committed to giving an honest and genuine sense of day to day life to year 6 pupils, delivering presentations, visiting primary schools and welcoming them to Bassaleg when they attend transition events during the summer term. The transition team also deliver presentations to parents & carers and are actively engaged in follow up Q&A sessions.
Prefect Council
Year 12 and 13 students are appointed each year to be role models for the school community and undertake various roles and responsibilities while developing their leadership and communication skills in their interactions with our school community and partner primary schools.
The Prefect Council are also responsible for our monthly Health and Happiness events to raise money and awareness for local and national charities important to our school while bringing the student body together in fun and exciting ways to build a sense of community, belonging and promote wellbeing.
Year Council
Each year group has a year council which is made up of representatives from each Barod group. They meet each half term to evaluate progress in the development of our core values and discuss year group specific issues.
BFL Council
The BFL Council believes all pupils have the right to learn without disruption, should feel safe in the school environment and be treated with respect and dignity. The BLF council assists with the planning and distribution of rewards and achievements across the school. They play an active role in discussions about how to improve standards of behaviour in lessons and wider school.
Young Carers
We have a increasing group of identified Young Carers at Bassaleg. As well as endeavouring to support them and to raise awareness of the additional needs and understanding they may have as a result of their important role, we recognise that their unique voice is fundamental to decision-making at Bassaleg. As they progress through the school, they are able to support our newer young-carers with compassion and understanding.
Sports Council
The School Sports Council aims to develop an understanding of our learners’ needs to provide quality sporting opportunities and experiences in Bassaleg School. Our representatives create initiatives to develop teaching and learning in PE, and support the health and wellbeing of our learners.
ALN Advocates Council
Young people who sit on the ALN Advocates Council provide an additional layer of quality assurance to ensure that our school community remains focussed on providing equitable opportunities for all. Our ALN Advocates identify, discuss and action areas for growth and development to ensure that our school community is always well educated, well informed and well prepared to support each other’s diversities.
QSA is our LGBT+ school community group which represents all young people to support them with any relevant issues and to raise awareness to increase understanding of diversity.
Mental Health, Happiness and Wellbeing Council
The schools Mental Health Council (MHC) is passionate about supporting the emotional and mental health concerns currently being experienced by our young people. The MHC members are keen to resolve these concerns by raising awareness and by creating strategies to help resolve the obstacles and barriers impacting upon positive mental and emotional wellbeing.
N2R Council
– No to Racism Council
We are an anti-racist group working to create an inclusive community for everyone. We are educators trying to raise awareness and teach others about the effect of what you say. We are amplifiers making sure everyone gets heard. We are activists and constantly challenge the world around us to make it a better place. We are advocates for change, who want to call out racism in all its forms, and ensure everyone feels accepted.
Bassaleg School
Forge Lane, Bassaleg
NP10 8NF
01633 892191​